Platinum Plus Savings Account
It's time to own some real savings.
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Own a savings account built for you.
With a Wings Platinum Plus Savings account, you’ll earn high yields with no monthly fees or term commitments. Plus, enjoy the personal service and peace of mind that comes from banking with a credit union where you’re not just a member, you’re an owner.
Elevated Earnings
No Monthly Fees
Everyday Flexibility
Platinum Plus Savings Overview
Platinum Plus Savings | |
Annual Percentage Yield |
Up to 4.75%1 |
Minimum Balance Required to Open |
$25,000 (new money only)2 |
Average Daily Balance to Obtain APY |
$25,000 |
Dividend Crediting & Compounding |
Monthly |
Free ATM Withdrawals3 |
At 80,000+ ATMs |
1ACH direct deposit(s) totaling $1,000 or more required to obtain the displayed rate. If requirement is not met, the rate will be 0.25% lower.
ACH direct deposit = One or more ACH deposit totaling $1,000 or more in the 34 calendar days preceding the last day of the month. Income earned through self-employment or working an IRS classified “Gig Economy” job does not qualify as direct deposit.
Platinum Plus Savings rate without direct deposit: 4.50% APY.
There may be a 5 day hold on funds deposited at account opening.
2New money is defined as funds that are not currently deposited in any account at Wings Credit Union.
3Note: 5 FREE withdrawals in a statement period at ATMs not owned by Wings Financial. $2.50 for each transaction for the remainder of the month. Approval required. ATM card may be substituted if denied.
Platinum Plus Savings Rates
Platinum Plus Savings Account | Dividend Rate | Annual Percentage Yield |
Platinum Plus Savings - New Money Only1 | Up to 4.65% | Up to 4.75% |
Rates effective as of January 3, 2025 and subject to change. Rates are variable. To receive the featured rate, one or more ACH direct deposit(s) totaling $1,000 or more required in the 34 calendar days preceding the last day of the month. Platinum Plus Savings rate without direct deposit: 4.50% APY. Income earned through self-employment or working an IRS-classified “Gig Economy” job does not qualify as direct deposit. Platinum Plus Savings requires a minimum opening balance of $25,000 (new deposits only); must maintain an average daily balance of $25,000 to earn the disclosed APY. There may be a 5 day hold on funds deposited at account opening. 1New money is defined as funds that are not currently deposited in any account at Wings Credit Union. Membership with a $5 Share Savings account required.
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